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Soft Drink Health Impacts and Recent Mexican Regulations

Soft Drink Health Impacts and Recent Mexican Regulations

It is a fact that soft drink consumption affects health. Several national and international scientific studies have found that people who frequently consume soft drinks can develop obesity, type-2 diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease, tooth

Three Impressionists and One Fauve

Three Impressionists and One Fauve

During the latter part of the nineteenth century, oil paint became available in tubes for the first time, leading to a flurry of innovative canvases by painters such as Van Gogh, who seized the opportunity to experiment on location in the open air. This founder of the Fauve style strapped canvases to his easel, anchoring them in the ground to withstand the famed mistral winds of his Provence.
The following recipe is offered in the true French spirit of joie-de-vivre!



Zeke, Pammy, and Buffy are siblings and Darcy is their friend. Beautiful puppies, they are each about four months old. Zeke is the only boy in the group and tries to take charge.

Mental Health: More on Sadness and Depression

Mental Health: More on Sadness and Depression

Michelle Obama’s announcement that she is suffering with “low grade depression” made something quite clear—mental health issues are neither class-conscious, gender-conscious, nor color-conscious. They are equal opportunity afflictions because none of us are immune to how our minds and hearts react to the issues that affect our lives.

Weekly Horoscopes August 16

Weekly Horoscopes August 16

All Signs: Good news! This week is more mellow than last week. The Moon will move
through Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Libra. (The Moon changes signs every two and a half
days; and when the Moon is in your own sign. your luck improves; however, your
emotions are amped!)

Malaysian Culinary Styles

Malaysian Culinary Styles

The Southeast Asian country of Malaysia lies just north of the equator and is composed of two noncontiguous regions: Peninsular Malaysia (Semenanjung Malaysia) on the Malay Peninsula and East Malaysia (Timur) on the island of Borneo. Most of Borneo’s Dayak peoples remain faithful to their animistic beliefs although they are likely to belong to one of six officially recognized religions: Islam, Protestantism, Roman Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism.

Feline Fun Facts

Feline Fun Facts

I learned the other day that most female cats are left-pawed, and most male cats are right-pawed. And sure enough, I watched as Annabelle and Piper, two female kittens, played spin the ball with their left paws, while Bob mostly used his right paw