Dada Anti-Artists Jean Arp and Man Ray

Dada Anti-Artists Jean Arp and Man Ray

There is no consensus surrounding the origin of the Dada movement’s name. The term anti-art, a precursor to Dada, was coined about 1913 by experimental painter and sculptor Marcel Duchamp to denote works that challenged accepted definitions of art and aesthetics.

A Good News Story in Times of COVID-19

A Good News Story in Times of COVID-19

Mujeres en Cambio (Mujeres en Cambio) is in its 26th year providing scholarship assistance to girls from poor rural communities around San Miguel. The mission is to encourage bright female students to stay in school because that is the best route out of poverty.

Beyond Isla del Coral

Beyond Isla del Coral

Everyone knows Rincón de Guayabitos and its beautiful Isla del Coral, but even though its beauty is undeniable, there are other lesser known beaches that are worth discovering.

Vistas de san Miguel

Vistas de san Miguel

“Vistas de San Miguel” is a graphic reportage of scenes and events in San Miguel de Allende by Susan Dorf, a local San Miguel artist who has an eye for noticing and capturing the unusual moments and details in everyday scenes.

Rotary and Human Identity

Rotary and Human Identity

One of the benefits of doing our Rotary Meetings via Zoom video conference is that we literally have access to speakers around the world. This will be the case on Tuesday, September 22nd when the Midday Rotary Club of San Miguel de Allende hooks up via Zoom across the big pond.