Category: <span>Weekly Columns</span>

Home Weekly Columns
Mental Health: Ask Dr. Alan – Do I have Depression?

Mental Health: Ask Dr. Alan – Do I have Depression?

I find myself to be sad about all the terrible situations regarding the Covid virus that I hear about on TV or read in my hometown newspaper. I've even burst into tears after reading about someone I knew, but certainly wasn't close to. Do I have depression?

Weekly Horoscopes July 26

Weekly Horoscopes July 26

All Signs: Saturn is in its own sign Capricorn from Dec. 2017 to Dec. 2020. Saturn represents the status quo, the government plus borders and boundaries.

Advice From Tia Maria Sue To The Fallen Men Of San Miguel

Advice From Tia Maria Sue To The Fallen Men Of San Miguel

With the rainy season in San Miguel upon us my feet flew out from underneath me and my items flew everywhere on the sidewalk. One know-it-all woman picked up my newly purchased dental floss and returned it to me with a smug smile. So humiliating. It’s one thing to be a Fallen Woman in San Miguel it is another to be a Fallen Hombre.
Any tips as to how to preserve my dignity when this happens?

Kittens, Kittens Everywhere

Kittens, Kittens Everywhere

That dang coronavirus did not go away after 15 or even 30 days as they said it would. Now there is the 15-pound quarantine thing, where people staying at home gain 15 pounds. It looks like the virus is also responsible for an explosion of kittens and puppies.

Learning to Live in an Upended World: Virtual Chic

Learning to Live in an Upended World: Virtual Chic

One recent morning I was on a Zoom call with an old friend. She sat in her living room with part of the kitchen visible on the screen. At one point her husband came down for coffee—shirtless, with just his undies—unaware of being in full view. When I said “Morning!” he quickly ducked behind the counter as we all laughed.

Community Alert #2 of 2

Community Alert #2 of 2

There has been recent information presented about Home Test Kits becoming available in SMA. It’s really important to understand that these Home Test Kits are for Antibody Testing and do not diagnose active disease COVID-19.