A Different Approach, More Benefits

A Different Approach, More Benefits

For 35 years, Feed the Hungry (FTH) has been dedicated to alleviating childhood hunger by providing hot, healthy meals every school day in the school kitchens they operate in 36 mostly rural communities. Before COVID-19, FTH was serving as many as 5,000 meals daily—nearly one million meals each year. When the schools closed because of the pandemic, the organization had two options: stop operating or innovate—even if it had to be done without the full force of its some 100 volunteers.

Online Courses: Shaw Academy

Online Courses: Shaw Academy

Shaw Academy (shawacademy.com) is a privately owned online organization founded in 2013. It provides online audio/video courses presented to students through webinars. You can find over 1500 free courses offered in English. Here are some examples of their offerings.

The Uncertainty of the Poet

The Uncertainty of the Poet

The following recipe presents a textural weave, an integration of truly individualistic elements that create unity and diversity combined in an artful way. Aesthetically, the bacon-wrapped cauliflower engages our senses while a green onion/spinach filling provides contrast, surprise, and subtle elegance.

Assaults in entrance checkpoints to San Miguel

Assaults in entrance checkpoints to San Miguel

San Miguel de Allende has become a safe tourist destination since it was awarded the “Travel Safety Stamp” by the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC). Given the imminent arrival of tourists to the municipality following the “new normal”, the municipal government installed COVID-19 checkpoints that among other things screen visitors coming into San Miguel for COVID, taking visitors’ temperature and asking for their restaurant or hotel reservations essential requirements to enter the city.

The SPA.: What We Do

The SPA.: What We Do

We often receive Facebook messages about an animal that has been abandoned or being mistreated. The writer wants us to send someone to help that poor cat or dog. However, as much as we would like to do so, the S.P.A. is not capable of getting involved directly with these types of situations, heartbreaking though they are.