Guanajuato presented the economic reactivation program

Guanajuato presented the economic reactivation program

On Monday, August 31, mayor Luis Alberto Villareal and Governor Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo presented to the Sanmiguelenses the economic reactivation program. The program highlighted the public works carried out by the municipal government in conjunction with the support of the government of the state of Guanajuato.

Prosa Café Goes Viral

Prosa Café Goes Viral

Join us on September 3, when Prose Café premiers our free and live virtual event, which features an hour of reading from three beloved San Miguel extranjeros.

The Apostille in the New Reality of COVID-19

The Apostille in the New Reality of COVID-19

The apostille is a document that allows you to certify the signatures of Federal Public Servants, who are empowered to certify the validity and legitimacy of documents of national origin abroad, provided that the procedure is related to countries that have adopted the Hague Convention by which foreign legal documents gain legitimacy in the country of use.

This Time History Did Not Repeat Itself

This Time History Did Not Repeat Itself

Neighbors in Ejido Don Diego, located on the road to Celaya, responded to a call for help from a neighbor but stopped short of taking justice into their own hands. They subdued and held captive a man who, according to witnesses, tried to sexually abuse a woman and kidnap a child.