Category: <span>Ngo News</span>

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Scholarship Plus and the Well-Being of Community

Scholarship Plus and the Well-Being of Community

By Alma Cervantes, Scholarship coordinator   For more than 10 years, the Biblioteca Publica has offered scholarships to high school and university students. The Biblioteca Scholarship Program assists students of limited resources via scholarship awards and activities that broaden their educational aspirations.    Among different awards, the Biblioteca Scholarship Plus is a high honors scholarship...

A Short but Beautiful Life

A Short but Beautiful Life

We are deeply grateful to Veronica Lopez for her testimonial about her sister Pamela, whom she took care of as a mother when she was 16.

Spaying it Forward!

Spaying it Forward!

San Miguel de Allende has a stray dog and cat problem! It is estimated that unspayed female dogs and their offspring can produce up to 67,000 puppies in six years.