We Have a New Director in Fundación Kunsthaus!

We Have a New Director in Fundación Kunsthaus!

By Fundación Kunsthaus AC


Have you ever heard about Kunsthaus? Probably yes. Maybe you even have built part of the art history in San Miguel de Allende and Bajío area with us. Let us remind you, dear new community and, of course, the one that follows us since 1997, that in 2019 we started the transformation of Kunsthaus Santa Fe from a contemporary art space into a foundation. This in order to preserve the art collection that has been built over the years with aims to transcend its founders.


We are pleased to inform that we now have a new director: Sofía Rivas. Sofía is a Celaya native who studied sociology and cultural management in Monterrey, México and in Aix-en-Provence and Lille, France. After completing her studies she has worked in the editorial and private labor sector. At the moment she is in charge of the logistic department of Museo Insular, a non-profit devoted to critical thinking based in San Miguel. Lothar Müller, the person whose hard work, enthusiasm, and love of art and culture made possible the Kunsthaus Santa Fé project, continues to be an important piece by being the founder and president of Fundación Kunsthaus.


Growing up and forming your personality never has been easy, but now with the global, local, environmental, and social circumstances, we believe it really makes it difficult for our children to enjoy this process and build positive future perspectives. We believe that art is a very essential part of reaching a high quality of life. We couldn’t have found a better person than Sofia Rivas to be the bridge between generations and inspire them to connect with art, which was an important goal for Lothar and us to achieve in our process of building the foundation.


We, the team of Fundación Kunsthaus AC, know that this project and art collection is a huge responsibility. Having properties such as pets, a piece of land, or an art collection always entails responsibilities and forces you to preserve it. Therefore we are thrilled to have this addition to the team in order to make it possible. If you would like to help us in this new chapter of preserving and reviving our art history and building new horizons, please volunteer or donate on our homepage funkh.org or paypal.me/FundacionKunsthaus. We really appreciate your help and support in the past three decades, the present, and future times.