Category: <span>Entertainment</span>

Home Entertainment
Theater is Coming Back to San Miguel!

Theater is Coming Back to San Miguel!

It’s been a long time since San Miguel de Allende has had very many opportunities for live theater. As the city becomes vaccinated and things are opening up again, the Between the Lemon Trees Players are presenting a hilarious comedic production of “A Bench in the Sun” by Ron Clark.

Oh Celos! Live Theater

Oh Celos! Live Theater

The play is in Spanish, but those who prefer English can read the text simultaneously using their smartphone, so don’t forget to bring it along.

Perfect Day

Perfect Day

“Two New York friends are arriving in San Miguel tomorrow. They will stay for three days. I will put them in touch with you so you can tell them what to do and where to go.” This was the message I got from my friend Matt Martín.

Streets free of Locos, but some will take down the masks

Streets free of Locos, but some will take down the masks

Memory has stretch marks. Although many would like to throw 2020 in the scrap metal of oblivion, truth is, we will remember it. We will recall it as well as those who remembered the year of the plague of 1800 “when people walked down the street, suddenly sneezed, and remained where they had fallen,” as...