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Matching Donation Offer to Help the SPA Save Cats and Dogs

Matching Donation Offer to Help the SPA Save Cats and Dogs

By Megan Gabel and Jayn Corral The Sociedad Protectora de Animales de San Miguel de Allende, A.C. (SPA) is the only no-kill shelter for cats and dogs in San Miguel de Allende. We house an average of 100 unwanted and abandoned dogs and cats. Since 1980, we have provided food, shelter, and care for our...

Picture of a Floating World

Picture of a Floating World

Fluffy pancakes are very popular in Japan, prepared using soufflé techniques. Egg whites whipped up with sugar are transformed into a glossy thick meringue. The resulting pancake clouds are heavenly with butter and syrup!

Getting to the Point

Getting to the Point

Matthew Hoffman makes knives–—high quality, handmade, heirloom, artisanal tools of remarkable sharpness and great beauty.

Legal Q&A

Legal Q&A

We have seen many services offered posthumously to take care of the possible litigation and the bureaucracy that follows a foreigner’s death in Mexico. They seem to be all over the place in pricing, and each advocacy group handles one piece of the puzzle but none seem to handle the legal matter from “soup to nuts.”What do you recommend?

Lola Picó is a Painter on a Unique Creative Path

Lola Picó is a Painter on a Unique Creative Path

Lola Picó, an artist from Barcelona, Spain, has always been driven by her creativity. She worked for many years as a makeup artist and stylist in fashion, advertising, TV, and film, where she specialized in special effects.

Weekly Horoscopes Nov. 22

Weekly Horoscopes Nov. 22

All Signs: As our time with passionate, intense Scorpio ends, we now move into a four-week dance with the Sun in optimistic, adventurous Sagittarius.