A Perfect Day in San Miguel de Allende

A Perfect Day in San Miguel de Allende

My day began at Flor de Jamaica restaurant, located in Los Frailes. Their lunch is quite special because you can enjoy it on the terrace, surrounded by greenery everywhere and an elegant and calm environment. This is where I started my day and fully enjoyed the meal and the good energy of the place. The restaurant is close to the Presa so we decided to walk there with a few of my friends. As we walked around the Presa, we found several old buildings and some old ruins as well. We were fortunate to see a train go by after hearing the whistle. 

We had heard that in Jalpa, a community very close to the city, is near a river with very clean water. Since it was a sunny day, we decided to make a mini trip there. Once we got to Jalpa we found a place with gorditas that looked very appealing and when we tasted them, they lived up to their appearance. One of my friends had already been there before, so he was able to guide us to the community. This helped, but it really isn’t necessary because it’s easy to get to. The river did not have a lot of water, but I don’t know if this is the way it normally is. Still, the scenery was lovely and it was very pleasant to hang out surrounded by nature. Eventually we were ready to go back, but there were different ideas about what to eat. Some wanted pizza and others wanted chicken wings, so I decided to take them to Pizzalitas, which is in Pirul in Peña de la Cruz. Since the municipality has returned to the orange alert because of the increase in COVID cases, everything closes early. With nothing left to do, we said goodbye and each one went home.