Category: <span>Computer Corner</span>

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A Change for Good?

A Change for Good?

For quite some time I have been struggling to come up with the appropriate analogy to describe the problem and the threat to the internet presented by some of the “innovations” coming out of Google.

The Computer Corner: A Trivial Subdomain

The Computer Corner: A Trivial Subdomain

The good news is that the World Wide Web (www) has not gone away. The bad news, at least for the tech-savvy, is that “www” is being obscured and hidden away from the view of a very large number of internet users because Google now considers “www” to be “trivial.”

When a Virus Becomes a Wild Sheep Native to the Caspian Region from Eastern Turkey

When a Virus Becomes a Wild Sheep Native to the Caspian Region from Eastern Turkey

Thirty years ago computer viruses were still uncommon. Those were the days before the worldwide internet made it possible for all kinds of malware to be instantly and widely disseminated. In the late 1980s and early 90s if you were infected by a computer virus it almost certainly arrived on an infected floppy disk, and that is what happened at the Biblioteca.