Mexico with hearing inclusion in movie theaters

Mexico with hearing inclusion in movie theaters

On February 16, 2010, the House of Representatives approved amendments to the Federal Cinematography Law, including the amendment to Article 8, which decrees the dubbing and subtitling of foreign films in Mexico.


  • The initiative was approved by 443 votes in favor and one abstention.


It establishes that all Mexican movie theaters must show foreign films in their original language or subtitle the films; documentaries and children’s films may be shown in Spanish and subtitled.


The community that supports Mexican dubbing spoke out against the reforms, however, Sergio Mayer, president of the Commission of Culture and Cinematography explained that dubbing in films will not disappear.


“It is absolutely false any assertion that in Mexico dubbing or dubbed films is now prohibited,” said President Mayer.
The reforms, as he explained, will be made for the benefit of people with hearing disabilities, “it is an advance in the enjoyment of human and cultural rights of all Mexicans, now all films will have Spanish subtitles regardless of the language in which they were filmed,” said Mayer.


The Federal Government granted a period of 60 days from the date of publication of the decree for the reforms to the Federal Film Law to enter into force.


On March 22 of this year, the reforms to the Federal Cinematography Law were published in the Official Journal of the Federation (DOF).


Sources: Comisión de Cultura y Cinematografía, Diario Oficial de la Federación.