Let UUFSMA’s World Class Music Enliven Your Soul

Let UUFSMA’s World Class Music Enliven Your Soul

By Robin Loving


While current events mitigate against the usual plethora of musical options in San Miguel’s arts scene, there is still one place we can hear SMA’s diverse, outstanding music every week, and it is music for the soul. Our Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of San Miguel de Allende curates and orchestrates performances featuring musicians from all over and from all times, free for anyone to enjoy via Zoom each Sunday at 10:30am Central Time.


“Where words fail, music speaks,” said Hans Christian Andersen. He knew what has been scientifically proven since: music can express how we feel, promote emotional and physical health, and help others understand us better. Whether live or recorded, solo or accompanied by a video, whether instrumental or a cappella, music communicates—it expresses emotion. That’s what makes it transformative.


UUFSMA’s outstanding musical offerings accompany its universal themes and mirror its acclaimed charitable investments locally. That’s why the seats—whether in person at the Hotel de La Aldea or virtually by Zoom—hold Buddhists, Jews, Baptists, Atheists, Christians, Hindus, Bahais, Catholics, Mennonites, Sufis, Humanists, and others. In this fractious world, who doesn’t like to unite around universal themes musically well performed? 


And it all happens because of the UU team that devotes an average of more than 20 hours per week to find just the right presentations to speak to our hearts. The results speak for themselves: UUFSMA is growing even now that it has gone totally virtual. “We’ve gained 20 new members since March,” said the Reverend Tom Rosiello.


It also takes a music coordinator, Paula Peace, whose award-winning work has included pioneering innovations across the U.S. as musical performer, producer, concert host, and professor. “Doing this is a blessing to me,” she said, “taking people to places they would not otherwise get to go, all while in the comfort of their homes—or wherever they find themselves on Sundays or when watching our services later on YouTube.” 


No matter what kind of music makes your soul sing, it can be found Sunday mornings at the UUFSMA. If you’re singing the blues, you could find uplifting company. If you’re feeling flat, your spirit could begin to soar. If you are feeling alone, you could get to be in harmony with others. And you will always be part of an ensemble production, for the effect would not be complete without an audience singing along, dancing in their seats, celebrating whatever resonates most with each person.


Whether you are looking to be soothed, enlightened, focused, relaxed, exhilarated, restored, or empowered, tune in. Consider this a COVID kindness, a way to describe your indescribable, something to be experienced in your own personal way. If this strikes a chord with you, you may learn much more at www.uufsma.com and both see and hear actual services at www.youtube.com/channel/UC8R1ZIQnz53FB2FSPpe7CqQ. A musical tapestry awaits!