Play Readings on the Patio

Play Readings on the Patio

By Marjorie Burren


Life is returning to some sort of normalcy, and, for many of us, live theater is a part of the delights of normal life. We have found a wonderful space to perform at the Casa de la Noche. They have a beautiful, well-ventilated outdoor space, with a roof to protect us from the rain. Come join us, and revel in the delights of watching actors perform in person.


I have selected four short plays by New York playwrights Albi Gorn and Barbara Litt. Many deal with the joys and difficulties of married life. In “Dream Lover,” after an amazing evening, a couple tries to figure out if all this perfection is actually a dream. And whose is it?


In “Verbatim,” a wife hires a court reporter to take down the actual words she and her partner are saying to try to clarify their arguments and bring them closer together.


“The Lineup” has a woman come to a police station to identify a “perp.” Her complete knowledge of police procedure comes from watching episodes of “Law and Order.”


A husband comes to heaven to ask his dead wife to forgive him, even though he’s murdered her, in “It’s about Forgiveness.”


And we will be reprieving “God on the Couch,” which was performed to audience acclaim at the 2019 Diez Minutos Festival, to see if a therapist can help God get over his depression at some of his less-than-perfect work.


Produced and directed by Marjorie Burren, who will be performing along with other San Miguel luminaries Howard Bach, Allan Gross, Frank Simons, and Arden Trevino.


Please join us on Aug 5 to Aug 8; all shows at 3pm. Seven performances only.


Social distancing will be observed


Please leave your name, date you wish to attend, number of tickets, and your contact information (email and phone number).