3 weeks after returning to school, 1 COVID case

3 weeks after returning to school, 1 COVID case

Three weeks after the start of the pilot plan to return to schools in the state of Guanajuato, of the 205 registered institutions, only one private high school in León suspended activities due to a positive case. A teacher was found to be positive for COVID after a test and so the school, by protocol, will remain closed for 15 days, the corresponding studies are carried out to rule out infections to students. 


In San Miguel de Allende, of the 32 schools registered within the pilot program, none shows any contagion in students or teachers. In the state 40 municipalities participate in the pilot program on a voluntary basis, at the moment, 205 institutions are registered, mostly private, according to data from the Government of the state of Guanajuato 75% of the schools are private and only 25% public.


The participating municipalities are; Abasolo, Acámbaro, Apaseo el Alto, Apaseo el Grande, Atarjea, Celaya, Ciudad Manuel Doblado, Comonfort, Coroneo, Cortázar, Doctor Mora, Dolores Hidalgo, Guanajuato, Irapuato, Jerécuaro, León, Moroleón, Ocampo, Pénjamo, Purísima del Rincón, Romita, Salamanca, Salvatierra, San Felipe, San Francisco del Rincón, San José Iturbide, San Luis de la Paz, San Miguel de Allende, Santa Catarina, Santa Cruz de Juventino Rosas, Santiago Maravatío, Silao de la Victoria, Tarimoro, Tierra Blanca , Uriangato, Valle de Santiago, Victoria, Villagrán, Xichú and Yuriria. Within the institutions there are 349 schools, 108 at the preschool level, 82 elementary schools, 64 secondary schools, 53 at the upper middle level and 43 highschools and universities. Also, the Guanajuato state government indicated that the program will act according to the epidemiological traffic light, currently the yellow color on the traffic light allows the program to be carried out in the state. 


Source: State Government of Guanajuato.