The Tourism Certification 2021 is promoted by the Federal Tourism Secretariat (SECTUR). The program seeks that the establishments obtain the three certificates: “Punto Limpio”, “Moderniza” and “Distintivo H”.
What is Punto Limpio?
This certificates the incorporation of good hygiene practices both in the establishment as well as in the management of the business units.
What does Moderniza mean?
This certificates the competitiveness and continuous improvement of the business units, as well as the implementation of effective tools and modern administrative practices.
What is Distitntivo H?
The distintivo H certifies the improvement in the quality of tourist services in terms of food hygiene.
Companies can request the certification or recertification (those companies that need to renew their certification), through the SECTUR platform and / or contact the emails and, or by phone 472 103 99 00 ext. 160 and 166 to receive forms.
After sending the registration email, applicants will receive a confirmation email to follow up on the application.
Sources: Federal Secretary of Tourism, Secretary of Tourism of the State of Guanajuato.