The Assembly of the Biblioteca held its annual meeting on March 4, 2021. The President and the Treasurer each presented their 2020 annual report to the assembly. The assembly approved these reports. An extraordinary assembly meeting was also convened to approve revisions to the Bylaws which increased the size of the executive board by adding the positions for an Assistant Treasurer and an At Large 3 and At Large 4 positions. The extraordinary assembly also authorized the board to review the implications of new federal tax laws that may apply to the Biblioteca and take the appropriate actions to comply with the new law. At the meeting, new associates joined the assembly and new officers were elected to the board of directors. The new assembly and members of its executive board are listed below:
President – Debra Broussard
Vice President – Carmen Rioja
Treasurer- Gerardo Espinosa
Assistant Treasurer- Robert Remak
Secretary- Jennifer Posner
At large 1- Stephanie Bubela
At large 2- Sally Avigdor
Rick Brunson
Rossana Conte
Liz San Elias
Pat Ellsworth
Ana Delia Lopez Rodriquez
Susan O’Neil
Jean Paul Peretz
Corneila Ulrich
Federico Vidargas
Ali Zerriffi
Please see the Atencion website for a more detailed look back at 2020 activities and finances in our Annual Report