Guanajuato’s Department of Health announced that the state will continue operating under red epidemiological traffic light until Jan. 17. The state’s Secretary of Health Daniel Alberto Díaz Martínez announced that the sanitary measure has already been approved by the State Health Safety Committee.
Given the increased number of COVID-19 cases in the state Martínez declared, “We call on the population and especially young people to wear facemasks, to stay at home, to respect social distancing and basic safety measures; we ask you not to hold meetings.”
Currently the state of Guanajuato ranks fourth in confirmed cases of coronavirus in the country, with 86,483 cases and 5,650 deaths registered.
Martínez also reported that more than 220,000 COVID-19 tests have been administered, with six out of 10 resulting positive. It is for this reason that Martínez invited the population to go to the nearest health center if they present any symptoms related to the illness.
Furthermore, Martínez said that next week the federal government is expected to deliver the first 15,600 vaccine doses for the first phase of the vaccination plan.
The Deputy Minister of Micro, Small, and Medium Business Development Joel Froylan Salas Navarro additionally pointed out that due to the red traffic light measures, all social and business events will be canceled.
Sources: Guanajuato State Government, Guanajuato Department of Health