Santa Fe Workshops Plans to Return to San Miguel de Allende in 2021

Santa Fe Workshops Plans to Return to San Miguel de Allende in 2021

By Jennifer M. Posner

In an exclusive interview with Atención, Santa Fe Workshops program director Renie Haiduk confirmed that she and their world-renowned programs will return to San Miguel de Allende next Fall. Renie sends “Greetings to all our friends and the community of San Miguel de Allende!” Due to the global pandemic, the Workshops had to postpone its programs this fall. Renie adds, “We truly miss not being with you again this fall and we sincerely hope that you are staying safe and healthy.”

This past summer marked the 30th year that the Santa Fe Workshops has been providing in-person workshop experiences in New Mexico for thousands of participants eager to enhance their photography skills. Since 2001 the Workshops has hosted photography programs in the color-filled environment of San Miguel de Allende. Five years ago, Santa Fe Workshops initiated a Writers Lab program. Offering a collaborative and affirming environment, a passion for writing and storytelling, and a hunger for shared experiences, the Writers Labs provide many important ingredients for the writing process. 

In mid-March of this year, Santa Fe Workshops responded to Covid-19 restrictions by postponing all of its in-person programs for 2020, and took its offerings into the new realm of on-line workshops. It’s a different format, but it has been very successful. SFW Online offers a huge variety of affordable, and easily accessible, photography and writing workshops in which to immerse yourself and keep your creative energy engaged.

Santa Fe Workshops has also added a unique opportunity to its online programming, SFW: Perspectives. This is a series of live-cast seminars from a few of their most esteemed instructors. These image-makers and writers set a high bar with their ability to captivate a classroom, offering insights, unique perspectives, and a masterful command of imagery and language. SFW: Perspectives helps continue a 30-year legacy providing educational, inspirational, and often life-changing experiences to the creative community with the most brilliant minds in the photographic and writing world.

Looking forward to next year and hopes of Covid-19 receding, Santa Fe Workshops plans to once again offer in-person workshops for the summer season in Santa Fe and also in the gracious and safe environment of San Miguel de Allende in the fall. Their participants will enjoy exploring the culture of your vibrant town while pursuing their creativity and personal style in workshops with seasoned workshop staff and instructors. They plan to continue the weekly evening presentation series and look forward to sharing the craft, vision and inspiration from their revered instructors. Stay informed about their upcoming programs via this website:

Renie and all the staff at Santa Fe Workshops wish to “Thank you for your continued interest and support of our programs in San Miguel de Allende. We hope to see you in October 2021!”