Everyone Needs a Good-News Day!

Everyone Needs a Good-News Day!

By Jayn Corral


I had a good-news day recently and gosh did it feel great! Within a few days, we were able to save so many cats and kittens that we more than doubled our cat population at the San Miguel Animal Protection Society, also known as SPA. We were thrilled.


Bless the gas delivery men who witnessed a woman tossing a mother cat and her five babies in the garbage. These heroes took the time to bring them to SPA where they are now loved and thriving. 


At first, Cereza, the mama, was so traumatized she could not produce milk and rejected her babies. We had to feed the newborns with syringes. The next day, she was back to being the good mother that she had been. A few days later, Cereza gave the gift of life to a ten-day-old orphan by accepting him as one of her own. She fed him, and she and her babies cuddled him to keep him warm. 


We accepted three-year-old brother and sister, Batman and Robin, who were about to be homeless due to family circumstances. At SPA, Batman, a black and white giant with a gentle soul, kept vigil over his terrified sister, Robin. By the second day, Robin allowed me to pet her, and she began to feel safe.


Kimmie, a fighter, took up residence in a house where she was not welcome. On her first day at the SPA, this three-year-old, robust tabby girl hissed at everyone. A short time later, she decided she liked her new home and enjoyed being a part of the SPA community.


I am in awe at the joyful happenings at SPA. Please check our website www.spasanmiguel.org/adopt-me-cats to see all our wonderful cats and kittens and their good-news amazing stories. We hope you will open your heart and your home and welcome them as part of your family.