It is Still Not Too Late to Vote

It is Still Not Too Late to Vote

By Hope Bradberry


Many U.S. citizens in San Miguel de Allende have already voted in the general election. They have received their ballots and have sent them back to the U.S. via embassy mail pouch, email, and fax. But for those who have not yet voted, it still isn’t too late to try!


There is still a chance to vote in the following states that have electronic and fax options for ballot return: Arizona, Colorado, Delaware, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Indiana, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska (requires permission from local election official), Nevada, New Jersey (also send by mail), New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon (with special forms), South Carolina, and Utah. The previous states and the following allow ballot returns by fax: California, Florida, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Virginia, and Washington. Also, if you fax your ballot, it is not necessary to then mail your ballot. Please be sure to read the instructions that come with your ballot carefully!


In the remaining states, it is worth trying to get your ballot, but you will have to send your ballot back by private courier like FedEx or DHL at this point so it will arrive in time to your local election official.


If you haven’t yet requested your ballot, please go to to do so today. Then check with your local election official to ensure they got your request and will be emailing your ballot to you right away. Alabama, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, New York, and Texas require the form by mail, so it may be too late at this point unless you are willing to send your request by private courier.


When you receive your ballot by email, you will need to download it, print it, place your vote, and follow the instructions carefully to return it. Smart Space Hub at Salida de Celaya #34 is offering voters free faxing of their ballots back to the U.S. They can also assist voters with printing and scanning for electronic returns.


Also, if you cannot reach your local election official and haven’t received your ballot even though you sent in your request, you have the right to use the Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot (FWAB). Depending on your voting state, the FWAB may allow you to vote only for federal offices, such as president, senator, and congressperson. Other states allow you to add your state offices. If you use the fillable FWAB online, it should demonstrate your electoral choices. 


You can find it online at


You can still contact Democrats Abroad SMA at for assistance. We are hoping that all eligible voters in San Miguel this year are exercising the most important of rights, the right to vote!