As of March 25, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended maintaining essential and high-priority services during the COVID-19 pandemic. These include reproductive health services, in particular, family planning. That is why CASA A.C. has increased its investment in its contraceptive and sex education program. The program seeks to deliver massive educational campaigns, including on social networks, regarding vital information about COVID-19 and sexual and reproductive management.
The organization wants to reach different segments of the population, in particular, young people between 12 and 30 years of age. Through CASA’s Community Health Program, young people from San Miguel de Allende and surrounding areas can obtain free contraceptive methods that prevent unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases and receive accurate advice on the correct use of male and female condoms and the morning after pill.
Another of their priorities is to provide long-term contraceptives (IUDs, implants, and injections). These are available free by appointment with midwives and gynecologists from the CASA Maternity Clinic.
The organization also has a network of 65 volunteers that make educational services and male condoms available to the population for free through their businesses, for example, grocery stores, barbershops, internet cafes, etc. The owners of these businesses are trained as sexual health promoters to provide information and advice in their communities.
CASA Maternity Clinic: Calle Indalecio Allende 4, Col. San Rafael.
415 152 6181
CASA A.C: Santa Julia 15, Col. Santa Julia.
Sex education line 415 124 6990
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