Tia Maria Sue: dos and don’ts of meeting and socializing on Zoom

Tia Maria Sue: dos and don’ts of meeting and socializing on Zoom

Dearest Ones,


I chose not to publish this week’s letter requesting help. Why you ask?  Because it might incriminate the author and frankly it could have been written by any one of us.


With the Quarantine in Place we have all learned new ways to socialize and Zoom has certainly come to our rescue. But with all things new  comes new rules of social etiquette. And yet one would think one could apply the old ones… So as a public service to all I have listed some dos and don’ts of meeting and socializing on Zoom.


* Please adjust your camera and lighting prior to the start of the meeting, no one wants to look up your nose. Nasal passages can be distracting to say the least. A window behind your head does not give you an angelic glow.  Choose a pleasant neutral background.


* Remember that if you aren’t dressed below the camera level- don’t get up.

  If you need to get up, be polite and excuse yourself. 


* Don’t eat in front of others, unless it’s an online dinner party and everyone is eating.


* It’s sad I have to say this but no personal hygiene while on camera! No brushing your hair, trimming or polishing nails and the worst offender-flossing your teeth! I won’t ask if you would do this at your dinner table, Tia Maria Sue does not need to know, but you don’t do it at someone else’s home and you are in several homes with Zoom!


* Noises should be kept to a minimum as they can be amplified. No yelling at the dog cat or spouse. Try to be in a quiet space (if you can find one in Mexico)


If you wonder if a certain behavior is appropriate just ask yourself What would Alice Do? Remember the opening to the Brady Bunch? Poor Alice was in the middle square with everyone around her, our first glimpse of a future meeting. Would Alice pick her nose or floss her teeth on the opening? I think not.


I am not judging, I’m just saying.