Rhythm, Rhyme, and Reason Gets a Helping Hand

Rhythm, Rhyme, and Reason Gets a Helping Hand

We have a way to go before reopening our cultural institutions and schools. In the meantime, however, I am pleased to announce that Rhythm, Rhyme and Reason and the Pro Musica Academy of Music have received a very generous grant from the Dibujando un Mañana (Drawing a Tomorrow) foundation.

Ennio Morricone Dies At 91

Ennio Morricone Dies At 91

Ennio Morricone, whose soundtracks for films like "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly", "The Mission" and "Cinema Paradiso" made him one of the world's most famous and prolific film composers, died at the age of 91, his lawyer said Monday.

Ask Dr. Alan: Wearing a Mask Vs Not Wearing It

I have been fastidious in keeping the virus away, but not everyone seems to care. The other day I stepped outdoors, with my mask on, to take out the trash. My long time neighbor and friend was outside with no mask on. She smiled, began chatting and walking over to me. I put my arm out and asked her to keep her distance. Her expression changed immediately, waving her arms, she turned around and walked away. Was I rude to her?