Important Announcement from Biblioteca Pública de San Miguel de Allende A.C.

Important Announcement from Biblioteca Pública de San Miguel de Allende A.C.




27 May 2021


To All Friends of La Biblioteca Pública de San Miguel de Allende:


The Biblioteca Publica de San Miguel de Allende finds itself in the undesirable position of separating its NGO operations which promote authorized social purposes (a bi-lingual library as well as educational and cultural classes) from a social enterprise that for many years has been the largest financial supporter of the Biblioteca:  Atencion San Miguel.  As you may be aware, a significant change to the Mexican Tax Code effective in 2021 mandates that an NGO may not receive more than 50% of its funding from sources other than donations.


For this reason, the Biblioteca is looking for a potential operator for the bilingual newspaper Atencion San Miguel together with the Que Pasa San Miguel events publication and the associated website.


For more than 45 years, the Biblioteca has published Atención San Miguel.  This newspaper has grown exponentially and is the only printed bi-lingual newsource in San Miguel de Allende.  It is a favorite among tourists and locals.  Historically, advertising sales have generated sufficient revenue not only to cover the costs of producing the newspaper but also to cover the overhead of the Biblioteca.  Various programs at the Biblioteca, such as the scholarship program and afterschool classes, were then funded by donations.


We seek a new operator for the newspaper with a similar sense of obligation to our community and to the programs offered by the Biblioteca.  We can continue to lift up our community together with an operator that will continue to make regular financial contributions to the Biblioteca and advertise and report on the many activities and events that are scheduled for sanmiguelense.


If you are interested in presenting a proposal, please provide information about your organization specifically as it relates to the publishing business and involvement in philanthropic activities in San Miguel de Allende. 


Kindly submit your information as quickly as possible to:

Enrique Carillo




Debra Broussard


La Biblioteca Pública de San Miguel de Allende, A.C.