La Mezcaleria restaurant has been a part of San Miguel de Allende for six years. Their innovative approach was to bring mezcal into the spotlight, and to do so they began serving mezcal margaritas which have become a staple at their bar. Both their tequilas and mezcal are 100 percent artisanal products and the company’s own brand.
The mezcal is brought from Ejutla, in the state of Oaxaca. Aside from the common commercial types of mezcal they bring in, those from Ejutla are made from agave grown in the wild. These plants can sometimes take as many as fifteen years to grow to maturity.
Aside from their eponymous mezcal, the restaurant offers high quality food designed and prepared by their chef who serves an international cuisine. One of the recommended dishes is a cured salmon named Lags de salmon. This is normally cured in vodka, but as one would expect, here it is cured in mezcal. They also have a sausage made on the premises which features pork, beef, and bacon as part of the ingredients. Everything is made on the spot, from the dressings and the bread to the mayonnaise. All the dishes come in generous portions and are substantial enough for sharing. There are also common items on the menu such as all kinds of vegetables, sausages, octopus, shrimp, tuna, and ribeye steak.
One of the things that the restaurant has been promoting is experimentation with flavors. They have Mexican wines, both white and red, and artisanal beer—Dos Aves. Recently they added pulque to their family of liquors and it is also local.
Something that makes La Mezcaleria an appealing establishment is that frequenting their establishment means support to the local economy. This is a sanmiguelense restaurant that uses local products from street vendors and local farmers. All of this goes to reestablish the areas where agave is grown. The pulque is cured on the spot and it comes in different flavors such as cocoa from Chiapas, with peanuts, mango, cardamom, and others. Two other unique products that you ought to try are their delicious pulque bread and hidromiel—which is a type of mead-fermented honey.
Mon-Sat 9am-9pm
415 121 5354
Correo 47, Centro